Die Arbeitsgruppe "Demokratie für Kuba" wurde 2003 in Berlin gegründet.Wir setzen uns für die Freilassung der politischen Gefangenen und für die Unterstützung der kubanischen Opposition ein . Christliche Befreiungsbewegung /Movimiento Cristiano Liberación

Montag, 17. Juni 2024


Luis Frómeta Compte
Luis Frómeta Compte who is 61 years old, with Cuban and German citizenship, is serving a 15 year prison sentence for spontaneously filming protests on his cell phone camera during the 11J protests in Cuba in July 2021.

On December 1, 2023 his family alerted the international community over social media that Luis was the victim of a brutal attack on November 30. 2023 by common prisoners. His daughter Janie Frometa posted the following message on Facebook in Spanish and German translated here to English:

“We just received news from Cuba that dad was brutally beaten by other prisoners, they even held him down so he couldn’t defend himself. Two of Dad’s jailed friends called and informed our family. Unfortunately, we don’t know anything else. Please share this message to highlight the brutality in the prisons.”
